Winter Camp 2022: A Glimpse into the Future

Wintercamp Handelsblatt, Tobias Herken

The Winter Camp of the Handelsblatt Media Group: Predictions & Collaborations

The Winter Camp of the Handelsblatt Media Group in Düsseldorf is undoubtedly one of the most exciting events when it comes to gaining insight into the future. Under the motto “Predictions & Collaborations,” selected thought leaders, scientists, and experts from various industries gathered to discuss the upcoming developments and challenges of the year 2023. Our CEO, Tobias Herken, was also present.

The event provides a platform for specialists to present their assessments of the trends and developments in their respective fields. In several sessions, questions such as “What will happen in the field in 2023?”, “What challenges are we facing?”, and “What progress is possible?” were intensively discussed. The discussions were characterized by innovative ideas, inspiring thoughts, and a lively exchange of knowledge and experiences.

A special highlight is the live interviews, recorded as a special podcast series and published by Handelsblatt. This allows anyone interested to benefit from the valuable insights and assessments of the experts. The podcast series offers a unique opportunity to understand the future perspectives of various industries and prepare for upcoming developments.

The Winter Camp of the Handelsblatt Media Group is undoubtedly an outstanding event that has the potential to sharpen our view of the future. The discussions, interviews, and insights have shown that the year 2023 will bring numerous changes, challenges, and advancements. It’s time to adjust our strategies and prepare for what’s to come.

Stay tuned for the upcoming developments and use the valuable insights from the event to lead your company successfully into the future. We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together!

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