

The complete simulation department for less than €30,000/year

Take advantage of our qualified engineers and flow technicians in combination with the StrömunsgRaum® and our high-performance clusters. You sit back, we solve your challenges.


Complete simulation department

Thanks to our wide range of experts, we can provide you with a complete and customized simulation department, from flow and strength simulations to building simulations.

Service hours

Do you need support with design, optimization or other issues in addition to simulation? Corresponding service hours are available for this in the partner package.

Simulation contingent

Our cluster connection completely eliminates the need for local computing resources. The computing hours required for the simulations are also available to you through the partner package.

Done for you – StrömungsRaum®

Before each individual StrömungsRaum® system is created, the focus is on a customized collaboration with our customers. This starts with a joint partner package. We get to know your challenges, solve them and at the same time work on automating your recurring tasks – always with the aim of ensuring the precision and reliability of our solutions. In this way, we provide you with advice and support, but at the same time create the opportunity for you to use simulation solutions yourself. You can use your StrömungsRaum® right from the start, so that all digital twins, simulation results and material data are available to you in a secure location – no matter where you are.


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Your entry into simulation – or the expansion of your capacities

The PartnerPackage offers you the uncomplicated opportunity to tackle a wide range of simulation topics and thus save resources in order to remain competitive. Our qualified engineers, computer scientists and fluid mechanics will solve your challenges. You no longer need to spend time finding and training new employees, purchasing cost-intensive computing hardware or buying a wide range of software – we offer you a simulation department that is fully tailored to your needs and available at any time. With our various package sizes, we offer you a cost-effective entry into the world of simulation as well as the option of flexibly expanding existing resources.

Topics that interest you

Challenges are rarely identical; the planned objectives often change due to new findings or shifts in priorities. Your PartnerPackage adapts precisely to this. This allows us to work on different topics in parallel and continuously adapt the objectives to your requirements. This means that you do not use a simulation tool that specializes in one task, but use the resources that you currently need. Our customers from various branches of industry value this flexibility – and we value our customers.


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A case for the PartnerPackage – an example

You are a manufacturer of turnkey systems for plastics processing. However, your current extrusion line is not running as desired – the extrusion tool is suspected. You contact us, we simulate the tool and make optimizations. At the same time, you discover in the technical center that the tool is working perfectly on a newer system. The conclusion is drawn – it’s not just the die, but also the extrusion screw or even the batch mixer. Accordingly, we look at both components with our respective experts, simulate the current status and work out potential for improvement. The result: after adjustment, the process runs stably and even better than in the technical centre thanks to the tool optimization. At the same time, her colleague from the paint shop approached us because the hall extraction system was no longer working correctly after the last changeover – we are already working on it…

For you this means: 4 steps to your own simulation department

Optimize existing processes and geometries in seconds with the help of analytical & 3D simulations – or develop completely new processes. Quite simply in the PartnerPackage with IANUS.


Get to know

In a joint meeting, we determine your needs and provide feedback on how we can solve your challenge together. There will also be an initial assessment of which package is suitable for you.


Upload data and lean back

You exchange the necessary data with us via your personal StrömungsRaum®. You then sit back and relax while we carry out the necessary work.


Results discussion

As soon as the results are available, we will discuss them – whether in a jour fixe or a separate appointment is up to you. If you have any questions in the meantime, your personal contact person will be happy to help you.



Our broadly diversified team of experts with degrees and doctorates in a wide range of disciplines will help you find solutions quickly thanks to years of experience.

For you this means: 4 pillars for your success

The partner package offers you flexibility, parallelism, cost-effectiveness and expertise all in one.



You are not tied to a specific simulation topic. We support you wherever you need it. And if your package turns out to be too small, you can easily make additional bookings.



Different departments have different challenges. Thanks to our high-performance computing clusters, we can tackle these in parallel and tackle them together.


Economic efficiency

Software, people, computers – all in one package. The partner package offers a complete simulation department at a fraction of the cost of personnel, high-performance computers, maintenance and software. All without downtime due to illness or vacation.


Here’s to a new one

Based on the results, we strive for further optimization, change the concept or start a completely new process – depending on what the simulations reveal or what is currently on your agenda.

Customers who already work with us

Numerous well-known companies are already using our expertise to develop completely new solutions with significantly shorter development times.

You are in good company.

What our customers say

The experience of our customers shows how you too can benefit from StrömungsRaum® through significantly accelerated development times or the identification of weak points.

Realize your simulation goals now with our partner packages and benefit from our package prices.

or find out more about IANUS?

Arrange a meeting now!